The German authorities have selected 119 MW projects totaling 259 MW in the nation's latest rooftop PV tender. The final prices ranged from €0. 0745 ($0. 0787)/kWh to €0. 0969/kWh. Germany's Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has published the results of the country's ninth tender for rooftop PV projects ranging in size from 300 kW to 1 MW. The agency reviewed 209 bids with a total capacity of 434 MW and selected 119 projects, totaling 259 MW. The final prices ranged from €0. 0745 ($0. 0787)/kWh to €0. 0969/kWh. The final average price was €0. 904/kWh. Most of the selected projects ...Den vollständigen Artikel lesen ...
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