Nelly Group AB (publ) ("Nelly") today held an Extraordinary General Meeting (the "EGM"). The EGM resolved in accordance with the proposals of the Board.
The EGM resolved on a dividend of SEK 0.83 per ordinary share, and the record date for the dividend was set to Monday 16 December 2024. The dividend is expected to be distributed via Euroclear Sweden AB on Thursday 19 December 2024.
The EGM further resolved to adopt a share program for senior executives in Nelly as well as on a directed share issue of a maximum of 67,257 ordinary shares to the participants in the program.
For more information, please contact:
Helena Karlinder-Östlundh, CEO
+ 46 70 300 92 11
About Nelly Group
Nelly Group operates nelly.com which is one of the Nordic region's strongest fashion brands for young women and nlyman.com. The core is the own brand in combination with digital sales directly to our target group. Nelly has created a strong commitment through a high degree of fashion and digital marketing. The company has 0.9 million customers and sales of SEK 1.1 billion per year. The group was previously called Qliro Group. Nelly Groups is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the small-cap segment with the ticker "NELLY".