Tethys Oil has today divested its entire direct and indirect holding of interests in Lithuania.
As a result of the sale, Tethys Oil has no remaining interests in Lithuania. No financial effect is expected from the divestment.
For further information, please contact
Magnus Nordin, Managing Director, phone +46 8 505 947 00
Petter Hjertstedt, CFO, phone +46 8 505 947 00
Tethys Oil AB (publ)
Tethys Oil is an oil exploration and production company with focus on onshore areas with known oil discoveries. The company's core area is the Sultanate of Oman, where it holds interests in Blocks 3&4, Block 49, Block 56 and Block 58. Tethys Oil has net working interest 2P reserves of 21.7 mmbo and net working interest 2C Contingent Resources of 15.5 mmbo and had an average oil production of 8,818 barrels per day during 2023. The company's shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (TETY). Website: www.tethysoil.com