Solar Energy Corp. of India (SECI) has allocated 600 MW of solar at $0. 036/kWh in its 1 GW solar tender, with Acme Solar, Adani Renewable Energy, and ReNew emerging as winners. From pv magazine India SECI has announced the results of its latest 1 GW solar tender, launched under tranche XVIII. It has allocated 600 MW to three bidders at an average price of INR 3. 06 ($0. 036)/kWh. ReNew won 250 MW by quoting the lowest tariff of INR 3. 04/kWh. Acme Solar secured 300 MW at INR 3. 05/kWh. Adani Renewable Energy took 50 MW at INR 3. 10/kWh, against a bid quantity of 200 MW. SECI will sign 25-year ...Den vollständigen Artikel lesen ...
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