WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - According to a study published in the European Heart Journal, light to moderate consumption of wine helps in lowering cardiovascular complications.
The researchers from the University of Barcelona, Hospital Clinic, the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute, the Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition Networking Biomedical Research Centre, and the University of Navarra used tartaric acid to evaluate the impact of wine consumption.
The research involved 1,232 participants from the PREDIMED project, a large-scale epidemiological study focused on the impact of Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular health. Among the total participants, 685 had suffered from a cardiovascular event and 625 were randomly selected.
The wine consumption was measured with the help of food intake frequency surveys. The analysis of the data showed that individuals who drank one glass of wine per week or less than one glass a day showed a decline of 38 percent in cardiovascular complication risk. Meanwhile, those who had half a glass or one glass of wine per day cut the risk by 50 percent.
'There is no doubt that excessive alcohol consumption has serious health consequences. However, the effects of moderate and responsible wine consumption are still the subject of debate in the scientific community. The results of this study and others should help to place moderate wine consumption in its rightful place as an element of the Mediterranean diet, considered to be the healthiest in the world,' the authors stated.
Additionally, they stressed that, 'when we talk about moderate wine consumption, it is always with meals, never between meals.'
Despite these conclusions, the authors noted that further research is needed to confirm the findings for 'greater certainty'.
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