Regulatory News:
The combined shareholders' meeting of Elior Group (Paris:ELIOR) whose shares are listed on Euronext Paris will take place on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. atthe Amphitheater of the Derichebourg Multiservices Tower, 51 Chemin des Mèches 94000 Créteil France.
The statutory notice of meeting (in French only) was published in France's official legal journal (BALO) on December 20, 2024.
In addition, in accordance with applicable regulations, the statutory notice of meeting which includes the agenda, proposed resolutions and information on how to participate in and vote at the Meeting are available for consultation on the Company's website at www.eliorgroup.com (under Investors/ Annual Shareholders' Meeting).
The information on total number of voting rights and shares in the capital on the date of the statutory notice of meeting is available on the Company's website at the above-mentioned address, from today's date.
All the documents and information relating to the combined shareholders' meeting are made available to shareholders at the Company's head office at 9-11 allée de l'Arche 92032 Paris La Défense Cedex, France, in accordance with applicable regulations.
Subject to the limits and timeframes provided for by applicable laws and regulations, shareholders may ask that these documents be sent directly to them by submitting a written request to Uptevia Assemblée Générale 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle, 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex France.
Société anonyme
Head office: 9-11 allée de l'Arche, Paris la Défense cedex (92032)
408 168 003 R.C.S. Nanterre
Listing Market: Euronext Paris
Eurolist segment B
ISIN code: FR0011950732
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250107076953/en/