The gold price rose by almost 30% in 2024. It thus outperformed most stock indices worldwide and was even able to keep pace with the NASDAQ 100. Both high inflation and the constant borrowing by governments to finance their overburdened budgets speak in favor of investments in precious metals. Since 2022, high defense and security spending has been added to this. Geopolitical uncertainties and flashpoints will remain with investors in 2025. So far, this has not deterred anyone from investing in securities of any kind. What could change, however, would be the focus on value versus insane growth expectations in the area of high-tech and artificial intelligence. Canadian resource asset manager and explorer Jack Stoch focuses on continuous growth and is very successful, as the Globex share (ticker symbol: GMX) also delivered 30% added value to shareholders' portfolios. The current year, 2025, is likely to be even more golden.Den vollständigen Artikel lesen ...
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