WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - A recent study led by Washington State University found that juice of elderberry, one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in the world, is linked with weight management and metabolic health.
'Elderberry is an underappreciated berry, commercially and nutritionally,' said co-author Patrick Solverson, an assistant professor in the WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine's Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology. 'We're now starting to recognize its value for human health, and the results are very exciting.'
Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, the dark purple berry has several health benefits, such as it helps to reduce inflammation and stress, as well as treat joint pain, kidney problems, heart diseases, epilepsy, fever and constipation.
During the randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, eighteen overweight participants were asked to consume either elderberry juice or a similar-looking placebo, designed by North Carolina State University's Food Innovation Lab.
The researchers noted that the participants who consumed elderberry juice has significantly improved amounts of good gut bacteria and metabolism, resulting in increased absorption of nutrients, and better physical as well as mental health.
The findings, published in the journal Nutrients, also noted that drinking 12 ounces of elderberry juice daily for one week reduced blood glucose levels by an average of 24 percent, cut insulin level by 9 percent, and enhanced the body's ability to burn fat.
'Food is medicine, and science is catching up to that popular wisdom,' Solverson said. 'This study contributes to a growing body of evidence that elderberry, which has been used as a folk remedy for centuries, has numerous benefits for metabolic as well as prebiotic health.'
The researchers believe that high concentration of anthocyanins, known for their potential health benefits, in elderberry play an important role in providing health benefits.
'Our findings confirm the bioactivity of EBJ-sourced anthocyanins on outcomes related to gut health and obesity. Follow-up investigation is needed to confirm our findings and to test for longer durations,' the authors concluded.
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