Endomines Finland Plc - Inside information - 28/1/2025, at 9:45 EET
Inside information: Endomines reports high-grade exploration results from Korvilansuo, Southern Gold Line
Endomines reports the results of the drilling program conducted in the fall of 2024 at Korvilansuo, in the southern part of the Karelian Gold Line. The drilling program consisted of eight drill holes, with a total length of 1466 meters. The aim of the program was to investigate the continuation of the broad gold mineralization at Korvilansuo towards the north and into deeper parts.
The results of the drilling program confirm the continuation of gold-mineralized veins towards the north and deeper into the ground. The results support the expansion of the deposit's mineral resources at greater depths. All drilled holes exceeded the lower cut-off grade used in the reporting, 0.4 g/t gold.
Highlights of the fall 2024 Korvilansuo drilling program:
- Drill hole KVS-119 intersected 5.95 m with a grade of 4.16 g/t gold from 176.90 m and 17.30 m with a grade of 0.69 g/t gold from 145.80 m
- Drill hole KVS-113 intersected 19.00 m with a grade of 1.26 g/t gold from 87.80 m
- Including 0.85 m with a grade of 8.93 g/t gold from 87.80 m
- Including 0.85 m with a grade of 2.62 g/t gold from 97.15 m
- Including 0.85 m with a grade of 2.89 g/t gold from 105.95 m
In the northern part of the deposit, drill hole KVS-113 successfully extended a high-grade vein, which included 3.8 meters with a grade of 8.4 g/t gold (KVS-100, published on October 19, 2023) and 31.60 meters with a grade of 2.02 g/t gold (KVS-103, published on July 16, 2024).
Drill hole KVS-119 intersected a broad mineralized zone, which locally contained high gold grades, such as 5.95 meters with a grade 4.16 g/t gold, at the deep extension of the deposit. The gold was found in quartz tourmaline breccia, which is a typical host rock for gold in the area.
"The Southern Gold Line in its entirety and Kartitsa, located on the Northern Gold Line, are our two most important exploration targets. The gold resources of the Southern Gold Line increased significantly with our previous update, and we are actively pursuing permitting actions to bring the area into production. The purpose of the exploration campaign conducted at Korvilansuo was to investigate how the gold deposit in the area continues into deeper parts following previous studies. We achieved our goal as planned. We will utilize the results in the next resource update, which will be completed in the spring of 2025," commented the company's CEO Kari Vyhtinen.
The significant drill intersections from the Korvilansuo 2024 fall drilling program are presented in Table 1 and locations of the new drill holes are presented in the map (Figure 1).
Drilling technology and quality assurance?
All surface drilling has been carried out by KDC Oy, using WL-66 tubes, resulting in a core of 50.5 mm in diameter. Drill hole locations have been surveyed by using mine survey equipment. A downhole survey of bearing and dip deviations has been completed with the SPT GyroMaster survey tool. All cores have been oriented with SPT CoreMaster equipment.
The drill cores have been logged by Endomines own personnel. The drill cores have been cut in half by Palsatech Oy in Kemi prior to the shipping to CRS' laboratory in Kempele. Samples were sent to CRS' laboratory in Kempele for preparation (code PRP-929) and then sent to MS Analytical laboratory in Langley, Canada, where samples were analyzed by methods FAS-111 (Gold), and IMS-230 (multi element). Gold over 10 g/t was re-analysed with FAS-415?.
Normal QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) procedures have been adhered to on all the samples, with standards, blanks and duplicates routinely submitted as part of the sampling program. The quality of sample preparation, security integrity and chemical assays was equal to, or exceeded, current industrial standards and the requirements of the JORC-code.?
This statement has been controlled by Eurogeologist Jani Rautio MSc (Geol) acting as a Qualified Person in compliance with the Fennoscandian Association for Metals and Mining Professionals, FAMMP, -standards. Jani Rautio is a full-time employee of Endomines and owns 2,000 shares in Endomines.?
Further information:
Kari Vyhtinen?
+358 40 585 0050?
Jani Rautio?
Chief Geologist?
+358 50 593 0812?
Endomines Finland Plc is a Finnish forerunner in sustainable mining. Our mining operations in Pampalo, Ilomantsi region, focus on gold mining and processing, as well as exploration in the Karelian gold line, in Eastern Finland. We also own the rights to seven gold deposits in the US. We produce gold for the jewellery and electronics industries and create value by transforming natural resources into wealth, an investment that withstands the volatility of global politics. We are a growing mining company that embraces new ways of thinking; we want to leave a positive footprint where we operate, which is why our goal is to grow the Karelian gold line into a significant, sustainable gold-producing region. Endomines is listed on the main list of OMX Helsinki (PAMPALO). www.endomines.com.?
The Karelian Gold Line is 40 kilometers long, a gold prospective portion of the Ilomantsi greenstone belt located in Eastern Finland approximately 500 kilometers northeast of Helsinki. The area hosts several gold deposits, the largest known being Pampalo. Endomines controls extensively exploration rights across the Karelian Gold Line.