Montigny Le Bretonneux, March 6, 2025
DOLFINES signs a three-year global framework agreement with the IBERDROLA Group for technical consulting services in the renewable energy sector
DOLFINES, an expert in services to the renewable and conventional energy industry, today announces the signing of a three-year framework agreement (2025 - 2027) with IBERDROLA RENOVABLES ENERGIA S.A.U., one of the world's leading renewable energy companies.
This contract covers the provision of technical assistance services in the field of inspections and commissioning of equipment and materials for IBERDROLA's renewable energy projects. DOLFINES will thus provide IBERDROLA RENOVABLES ENERGIA with experts who will audit, in its suppliers' factories, the manufacturing processes of onshore wind turbine components, photovoltaic equipment and battery storage system components, among others.
These audits will be carried out on a global scale (45 countries) according to the needs of IBERDROLA RENOVABLES' projects. DOLFINES' services will be provided in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020 and ISO 9001 standards to ensure the highest quality services.
The IBERDROLA Group is a world leader in renewable energy sources, with almost 45 GW of renewable energy in operation. Its 2024-2026 Strategic Plan plans to allocate €15.5 billions to renewable activities, more than half of which will be devoted to offshore wind power.
Commenting on the agreement, Adrien Bourdon-Feniou, Chairman and CEO of DOLFINES, said: "This international partnership with IBERDROLA marks an important step in DOLFINES' development strategy in the renewable energy sector. Thanks to the expertise we have developed in the field of QA/QC inspections in wind turbine manufacturing plants in France in particular, and our ability to project teams of experts all over the world, we are ideally positioned to support IBERDROLA in its international projects and contribute to the achievement of its operational excellence objectives. This contract reinforces DOLFINES' position as a trusted partner for major players in the energy sector in Europe and around the world. »
About Dolfines: www.dolfines.com
Founded in 2000, DOLFINES is an independent specialist in engineering and services in the renewable and conventional energy industry. Faced with the challenges of decarbonizing the energy sector and capitalizing on its strong expertise, DOLFINES wants to play a key role in this energy transition by designing and providing innovative services and solutions for the exploitation of renewable energy sources onshore and offshore, above and below sea level. Respecting the highest standards of quality and safety, DOLFINES is labelled an innovative company certified ISO 9001 for its technical assistance, auditing, inspection and engineering activities.
Euronext Growth TM
DOLFINES is listed on Euronext GrowthTM - ISIN Code: FR001400SP13- Mnemonic Code: ALDOL - DOLFINES is éligible to PEA-PME
Contacts: Delphine Bardelet Guejo, CFO - delphine.bardelet@dolfines.com
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