Today, on 19 March 2025, an extraordinary general meeting was held in InCoax Networks AB. A summary of the adopted resolutions follows below.
Resolution on approval of the board of directors' resolution on a directed issue of shares
The meeting resolves to approve the board of directors' resolution of 27 February 2025 to increase the company's share capital by a maximum of SEK 1,074,585.50 through a new issue of not more than 4,298,342 shares directed to Saugatuck Invest AB, controlled by Chairman of the Board Peter Agardh, and to the board member Tobias Lennér. The subscription price is SEK 1.45 per share. Subscription shall be made on a separate subscription list no later than 20 March 2025. The directed share issue constitutes "Tranche 2" of the financing announced by the company on 27 February 2025.
Lund on 19 March 2025
InCoax Networks AB (publ)
For additional information:
Jörgen Ekengren, CEO InCoax Networks AB
+46 73- 899 55 52
This information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 10.30 CET on 19 March 2025.
About InCoax Networks AB
InCoax Networks AB (publ) brings new use to properties' existing coaxial cable networks to extend fibre and fixed wireless access (FWA) to the world's leading broadband operators. The technology is a high-performance, future-proof, reliable and cost-effective complement, reducing installation time and improving connectivity, for increased digital inclusion and broad internet access.
For additional information regarding the company, visit www.incoax.com. Vator Securities AB, tel. +46 8-5800 6599, ca@vatorsec.se,is acting as the company's Certified Adviser.