The continued rise in the prices of wood raw materials, the negative market development, especially for CTMP pulp produced in Rottneros Mill, and a weaker USD, have had a negative impact on the Rottneros Group's financial performance in the first quarter of 2025.
The company thus expects a weaker result compared to the fourth quarter of 2024, when EBIT amounted to SEK -28 million. As a consequence of the weak development, the Group's ongoing focus on cost efficiencies has been further intensified.
The company's report for the first quarter will be published on April 29, 2025.
For further information, please contact:
Lennart Eberleh, President and CEO, Rottneros AB
+46 (0)270 622 65, lennart.eberleh@rottneros.com
This information is information that Rottneros AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.00 CET on March 21, 2025.
Rottneros AB (publ)
Box 144, 826 23 Söderhamn
+46 (0)270 622 00
Rottneros is an independent producer of market pulp. The Group comprises the parent company Rottneros AB, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, and its subsidiaries Rottneros Bruk AB and Vallviks Bruk AB, with operations involving the production and sale of market pulp. The Group also includes Rottneros Packaging AB, a molded fiber solutions provider, the wood procurement company SIA Rottneros Baltic in Latvia, and the forestry operator Nykvist Skogs AB. The Group has approximately 285 employees and a turnover of approximately 2,7 billion SEK.