Realtime | Geld | Brief | Zeit |
11,520 | 11,560 | 17:30 | |
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Do | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Guillaume Friedel and Ashkan Karimi Promoted to Senior Partner | 136 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN) announces it is strengthening its Senior Partner ranks with the promotions of Guillaume Friedel and Ashkan Karimi, effective immediately.
Mr.... ► Artikel lesen | |
03.02. | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Information on the Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights | 219 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN):
31 January 2025
Company name
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Trading place
Euronext... ► Artikel lesen | |
17.01. | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Placement of Antin Shares by a Group of Current and Former Partners | 317 | Business Wire | First free float expansion since IPO
Regulatory News:
16.01. | Origis Energy secures over $1bn investment from Brookfield and Antin | 8 | NS Energy | ||
09.01. | Thomas Kamm Appointed as Partner and Head of Communications at Antin Infrastructure Partners | 444 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN) announces the appointment of Thomas Kamm as Partner, in charge of Communications, effective 6 January 2025.
Mr. Kamm brings 45 years... ► Artikel lesen | |
08.01. | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Antin: Half-year Liquidity Contract Statement | 211 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
In accordance with the provisions of the French Financial Markets Authority's decision N°2021-01 of 22 June 2021 renewing the implementation of liquidity contracts for shares as... ► Artikel lesen | |
ANTIN INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERS Aktie jetzt für 0€ handeln | |||||
06.01. | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Information on the Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights | 282 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN):
31 December 2024
Company name
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Trading place
Euronext... ► Artikel lesen | |
19.12.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners Closes Flagship Fund V Above €10 Billion Target | 608 | Business Wire | The new fund is expected to be the largest infrastructure fund to hold a final closing worldwide in 2024
Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN), one of the world's leading... ► Artikel lesen | |
04.12.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Information on the Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights | 423 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN):
30 November 2024
Company name
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Trading place
Euronext... ► Artikel lesen | |
06.11.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Information on the Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights | 291 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN):
31 October 2024
Company name
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Trading place
Euronext... ► Artikel lesen | |
30.10.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Flagship Fund V Commitments Nearing €10bn Target | 656 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN):
AUM €32.3bn +4.7% over the LTM +1.9% vs. 2Q 2024 Fee-Paying AUM €21.0bn +5.2%... ► Artikel lesen | |
02.10.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Information on the Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights | 434 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN):
30 September 2024
Company name
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Trading place
Euronext... ► Artikel lesen | |
17.09.24 | Antin, Morrison, and InfraVia shortlisted as potential investors in Iliad's Opcore unit - report | 2 | DatacenterDynamics | ||
12.09.24 | Citi downgrades Antin Infrastructure Partners stock to neutral on cautious investment cycle outlook | 2 | | ||
12.09.24 | Citi stuft Antin Infrastructure Partners-Aktie auf "Neutral" herab | 4 | Deutsch | ||
11.09.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Half-Year 2024 Financial Report Now Available | 367 | Business Wire | Regulated information
Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN) has made available to the public and filed with the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) its Half-Year... ► Artikel lesen | |
11.09.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Half-Year 2024 Results | 538 | Business Wire | Continued Growth Across Key Metrics With Good Momentum in Investment Activity
Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN):
(€m, unless otherwise indicated) ... ► Artikel lesen | |
03.09.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Information on the Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights | 332 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN):
31 August 2024
Company name
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Trading place
Euronext... ► Artikel lesen | |
06.08.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners, ICAMAP and Borletti Group to Sell Grandi Stazioni Retail to a Consortium of Infrastructure Investors Comprising DWS and OMERS | 642 | Business Wire | Grandi Stazioni Retail is well positioned to continue its growth strategy, and benefit from further investments in rail infrastructure across Italy, contributing to the decarbonization of the... ► Artikel lesen | |
01.08.24 | Antin Infrastructure Partners: Information on the Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights | 360 | Business Wire | Regulatory News:
Antin Infrastructure Partners (Paris:ANTIN):
31 July 2024
Company name
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Trading place
Euronext... ► Artikel lesen |
Unternehmen / Aktien | Aktienkurs | % | Top-Nachrichten | ||
ALLIANZ | 322,30 | +0,66 % | Allianz Trade Studie zur deutschen Automobilindustrie: Wege aus der Krise | Hamburg (ots) - - "Game of Tariffs": Deutsche Autobauer gehören im Handelskonflikt fast überall zu den Verlierern - Balanceakt: Autobauer müssen jetzt handeln und trotz knapper Kassen investieren in... ► Artikel lesen | |
DEUTSCHE BANK | 19,666 | +0,12 % | Deutsche Bank gibt 2025 Gas: Ist der Anstieg gerechtfertigt? | Die Aktie der Deutschen Bank profitiert heute von Rückenwind für den Gesamtsektor in Europa und probt den charttechnischen Ausbruch. Ende Januar hatte dies vorerst nicht geklappt. Damit stellt sich... ► Artikel lesen | |
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BITCOIN GROUP SE | 38,500 | -4,70 % | EQS-News: Bitcoin Group SE: Krypto-Eigenbestand der Bitcoin Group SE beläuft sich aktuell auf EUR 356,8 Mio. | EQS-News: Bitcoin Group SE
/ Schlagwort(e): Kryptowährung / Blockchain
Krypto-Eigenbestand der Bitcoin Group SE beläuft sich aktuell auf EUR 356,8 Mio.
21.02.2025 / 12:37... ► Artikel lesen | |
HANNOVER RUECK | 248,40 | +0,85 % | BERENBERG stuft HANNOVER RUECKVERSICHERUNG AG auf 'Buy' | HAMBURG (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die Privatbank Berenberg hat die Einstufung für Hannover Rück mit einem Kursziel von 260 Euro auf "Buy" belassen. Nach den Waldbränden in Kalifornien zu Beginn des Jahres... ► Artikel lesen |