Zeit | Aktuelle Nachrichten Sprache:
Alle DE EN | Leser | Medien | ||
13.02. | Aytu BioPharma anticipates positive cash flow with ADHD growth and $2M annual cost savings | 2 | Seeking Alpha | ||
AYTU BIOPHARMA Aktie jetzt für 0€ handeln | |||||
12.02. | Aytu BioPharma GAAP EPS of -$0.26 beats by $0.02, revenue of $16.22M beats by $0.67M | 2 | Seeking Alpha | ||
12.02. | Aytu BioPharma, Inc.: Aytu BioPharma Reports Fiscal 2025 Second Quarter Operational and Financial Results | 248 | ACCESS Newswire | Net income of $0.8 millionAdjusted EBITDA1 of $1.3 millionPediatric Portfolio net revenue up 86% sequentiallyFirst quarterly sequential prescription increase for both ADHD and Pediatric portfolios since... ► Artikel lesen | |
12.02. | AYTU BIOPHARMA, INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report | - | SEC Filings | ||
12.02. | AYTU BIOPHARMA, INC - 8-K, Current Report | 1 | SEC Filings | ||
06.02. | Aytu BioPharma, Inc.: Aytu BioPharma to Report Fiscal 2025 Second Quarter Operational and Financial Results on February 12, 2025 | 291 | ACCESS Newswire | DENVER, CO / ACCESS Newswire / February 5, 2025 / Aytu BioPharma, Inc. (the "Company" or "Aytu") (NASDAQ:AYTU), a pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel therapeutics, will report its... ► Artikel lesen | |
06.01. | Aytu BioPharma, Inc: Aytu BioPharma to Participate in the Lytham Partners 2025 Investor Healthcare Summit on January 13, 2025 | 249 | ACCESS Newswire | DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / January 6, 2025 / Aytu BioPharma, Inc. (the "Company" or "Aytu") (Nasdaq:AYTU), a pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel therapeutics, today announced that... ► Artikel lesen | |
04.12.24 | AYTU BIOPHARMA, INC - 8-K, Current Report | 2 | SEC Filings | ||
22.11.24 | Aytu BioPharma, Inc.: Aytu BioPharma Ranked as One of Fastest-Growing Companies in North America on the 2024 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 | 485 | ACCESS Newswire | DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / November 22, 2024 / Aytu BioPharma, Inc. (the "Company" or "Aytu") (Nasdaq:AYTU), a pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel therapeutics, today announced it... ► Artikel lesen | |
13.11.24 | AYTU BIOPHARMA, INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report | 1 | SEC Filings | ||
13.11.24 | Aytu BioPharma, Inc.: Aytu BioPharma Reports Fiscal 2025 First Quarter Operational and Financial Results | 447 | ACCESS Newswire | Net income of $1.5 millionAdjusted EBITDA1 of $1.9 millionADHD Portfolio net revenue up 1% to $15.3 millionPediatric Portfolio net revenue up 54% sequentially$20.1 million cash balance at September... ► Artikel lesen | |
12.11.24 | Aytu BioPharma's Earnings: A Preview | 2 | Benzinga.com | ||
06.11.24 | Aytu BioPharma, Inc: Aytu BioPharma to Report Fiscal 2025 First Quarter Operational and Financial Results on November 13, 2024 | 264 | ACCESS Newswire | DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / November 6, 2024 / Aytu BioPharma, Inc. (the "Company" or "Aytu") (Nasdaq:AYTU), a pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel therapeutics, will report its operational... ► Artikel lesen | |
14.10.24 | Aytu BioPharma, Inc.: Aytu BioPharma to Participate in the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit | 321 | ACCESS Newswire | DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / October 14, 2024 / Aytu BioPharma, Inc. (the "Company" or "Aytu") (Nasdaq:AYTU), a pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel therapeutics, today announced Josh... ► Artikel lesen | |
01.10.24 | Aytu BioPharma schließt Vertrag mit Lupin für ADHS-Medikamente in Kanada | 4 | Investing.com Deutsch | ||
01.10.24 | Aytu BioPharma inks deal with Lupin for ADHD drugs in Canada | 3 | Investing.com | ||
01.10.24 | Aytu BioPharma Announces Exclusive Agreement with Lupin Pharma Canada Ltd to Commercialize Adzenys XR-ODT and Cotempla XR-ODT in Canada | 207 | ACCESS Newswire | Once approved by Health Canada, Adzenys and Cotempla will be the only orally disintegrating, extended-release tablets for the treatment of ADHD commercialized in Canada DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / October... ► Artikel lesen | |
28.09.24 | Aytu BioPharma, Inc. (NASDAQ:AYTU) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript | 1 | Insider Monkey | ||
27.09.24 | Earnings call: Aytu BioPharma reports turnaround with focus on ADHD | 1 | Investing.com |
Unternehmen / Aktien | Aktienkurs | % | Top-Nachrichten | ||
BAYER | 24,000 | +5,68 % | UBS stuft BAYER AG auf 'Neutral' | ZÜRICH (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die Schweizer Großbank UBS hat die Einstufung für Bayer auf "Neutral" mit einem Kursziel von 22 Euro belassen. Er rechne mit einem eher positiven Ausblick von Bayer auf das... ► Artikel lesen | |
NOVO NORDISK | 85,02 | -0,21 % | Nach Aus für Wegovy-Kopien: Hims & Hers: Aktie crasht trotz Rekordumsatz zweistellig - FDA sorgt für Panik! | © Foto: Uncredited - Hims & HersHims & Hers hat am Montag eine bullishe Umsatzprognose für das kommende Jahr veröffentlicht, die die Erwartungen der Wall Street übertraf. Dennoch stürzte die Aktie nachbörslich... ► Artikel lesen | |
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AURORA CANNABIS | 4,560 | -0,96 % | UNGLAUBLICHE Sondermeldung bei Aurora Cannabis Aktie: DAS erwischt Anleger heute eiskalt. Dringend lesen und reagieren! | ||
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Von Adria Calatayud
DOW JONES--Der britische Pharmakonzern GSK hat angekündigt, seine Ziele für Diversität und Inklusion aufzugeben. Damit reiht... ► Artikel lesen | |
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