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WKN: A0LE05 | ISIN: FR0010386334 | Ticker-Symbol: KO2
15:43 Uhr
4,458 Euro
+1,78 %
CAC Mid 60
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MoClariane: Governance Evolution - Mrs Sylvia Metayer, Independent Director, Appointed Chairwoman of the Board of Directors With Effect From May 14th, 2025277Mrs Sylvia Metayer will succeed Mr Jean-Pierre Duprieu as Chair of the Clariane Board of Directors at the close of the 2025 General Meeting. At the same General Meeting, Mr Olivier Bogillot...
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24.02.CLARIANE: Full-Year 2024 Results965Solid operating performance in 2024 Financial position strengthened Regulatory News: Clariane (Paris:CLARI): Operational recovery confirmed: 2024 revenue totalled €5,282...
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17.02.Clariane Amends and Extends Its Syndicated Facility and Issues a New Real-Estate Credit Line, for a Total Amount of €775 Million, With Final Maturities in May 2029391Amendment and extension of the syndicated facility (originally due in May 2026) with a final maturity of May 2029 for an amount of €625 million Concurrent issuance of a new €150 million...
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04.02.Korian Stiftung für Pflege und würdevolles Altern startet Ausschreibung für den Diversitätsaward 2025402München (ots) - Die Korian Stiftung für Pflege und würdevolles Altern schreibt auch in diesem Jahr ihren renommierten Stiftungsaward für Vielfalt und Respekt in der Pflege aus, der mit einem Preisgeld...
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09.12.24Clariane: Renewal of the Revolving Credit Facility for a Six-Month Period513Regulatory News: Clariane (CLARI.PA ISIN FR0010386334) announced today that it has renewed the drawdown of its RCF (Revolving Credit Facility) for a period of 6 months (expiring on 4 June 2025)...
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04.12.24Korian Stiftung veröffentlicht Märchenbuch für Menschen mit Demenz und ihre Angehörigen479München (ots) - Die Korian Stiftung für Pflege und würdevolles Altern veröffentlicht mit "Der immer noch tapfere Ritter Harry von Spreetal" ein Märchenbuch speziell für Menschen mit Demenz, ihre Angehörigen...
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27.11.24Bayerns Staatsministerin für Gesundheit, Pflege und Prävention, Judith Gerlach, besucht Pflege 2030-Modelleinrichtung Haus Curanum Karlsfeld380München (ots) - Judith Gerlach, Bayerns Staatsministerin für Gesundheit, Pflege und Prävention, besuchte gestern die Pflegeeinrichtung Haus Curanum Karlsfeld im Landkreis Dachau, um sich über den Fortschritt...
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23.10.24Clariane: Good Momentum in Revenue for the Nine Months Ended 30 September 20246232024 guidance confirmed Revenue for the nine months to 30 September 2024 rose by 6.3% on an organic basis All business segments and regions saw growth, and the average occupancy rate...
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20.09.24Clariane announces its entry into the CAC SBT 1.5°717Regulatory News: Clariane (Paris:CLARI), Europe's first community for care in times of vulnerability (the "Company"), announces its integration into the CAC® SBT 1.5°, which will be effective from...
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16.09.24Appointments Within the Clariane Group738Regulatory News: To ensure the swift implementation of the "At your side" corporate project (2023-2026), Sophie Boissard, Clariane's (Paris:CLARI) Chief Executive Officer, has announced the creation...
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16.09.24Berliner Tagespflege hoffmannsgarten gewinnt Korian Stiftungsaward 2024 für inklusives Theaterprojekt444München (ots) - Den diesjährigen Deutschen Pflegepreis für Vielfalt und Respekt, ausgelobt von der Korian Stiftung für Pflege und würdevolles Altern, gewinnt die Berliner Tagespflegeeinrichtung hoffmannsgarten...
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13.09.24Clariane Announces Its Entry Into the SBF 120 Index408Regulatory News: Clariane (Paris:CLARI), Europe's first community for care in times of vulnerability (the "Company"), announces its integration into the SBF 120, a key index of the Paris Stock...
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05.08.24Clariane: First Half 2024 on Track7552024 guidance confirmed Regulatory News: Clariane (Paris:CLARI): Revenue increased by 6.8% in organic terms in the first half of 2024, supported by all businesses and regions with notably...
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05.08.24Sophie Boissard is Reappointed Chief Executive Officer of the Clariane Group631Regulatory News: At its meeting on 5 August 2024, the Clariane Group (Paris:CLARI) Board of Directors renewed Sophie Boissard's term of office as Managing Director, which was due to expire on...
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03.07.24Clariane Announces the Success of Its Share Capital Increase With Preferential Subscription Rights of Approximately €237 Million as Part of Its Plan to Strengthen Its Financial Structure662Regulatory News: Not to be published, distributed or circulated directly or indirectly in the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan. THIS PRESS RELEASE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OF SECURITIES...
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26.06.24Clariane Confirms the Disposal of Its Activity « Les Essentielles »1.268Regulatory News: The Clariane group (CLARI, ISIN FR00 10 386 334) announces that it has finalized the disposal of its residence services activity "Les Essentielles" to Odalys, a subsidiary of the...
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13.06.24Clariane: Clariane Launches a Share Capital Increase With Preferential Subscription Rights of Approximately €237 Million as Part of the Group's Plan to Strengthen Its Financial Structure877Key transaction terms: Subscription price: €1.11 per new share Subscription ratio: 3 new shares for 2 existing shares Theoretical value of the preferential subscription right:...
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13.06.24Clariane: Information on the Availability of a Second Amendment to the 2023 Universal Registration Document519Regulatory News: Clariane (Paris:CLARI), Europe's leading community for care in times of vulnerability (the "Company"), announces that a second amendment (the "Second Amendment") to the 2023 Universal...
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12.06.24Clariane Announces the Completion of the Reserved Capital Increase of Around €92.1 Million646Regulatory News: Clariane (Paris:CLARI), Europe's leading community for care in times of vulnerability (the "Company") announces that the reserved capital increase of approximately 92.1 million...
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10.06.24Clariane: The General Meeting of 10 June 2024 Approves All the Resolutions Supported by the Board of Directors, Including the Reserved Capital Increase of Around 92.1 Million Euros for the Benefit of HLD Europe, Flat Footed and Leima Valeurs572Regulatory News: NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN. THIS COMMUNICATION IS NOT AN OFFER OF SECURITIES FOR SALE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR ANY...
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