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ROCKWOOL A/S ADR Aktie jetzt für 0€ handeln | |||||
Fr | ROCKWOOL A/S: Completion of conversion of A shares to B shares in accordance with the articles of association and information on adjusted number of voting rights and share capital | 193 | GlobeNewswire (Europe) | Company announcementfor ROCKWOOL A/SRelease no. 11 - 2025to Nasdaq Copenhagen 28 February 2025 Completion of conversion of A shares to B shares in accordance with the articles of association... ► Artikel lesen | |
Mi | ROCKWOOL A/S - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme | 4 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
19.02. | ROCKWOOL A/S - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme | 3 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
12.02. | ROCKWOOL A/S - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme | 6 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
11.02. | Ampyr, Rockwool sign 10-year solar PPA | 4 | reNews | ||
10.02. | UBS downgrades Rockwool to 'sell' on margin concerns, shares decline | 9 | Investing.com | ||
07.02. | Rockwool targets 16% EBIT margin in 2025 with increased investments and pricing strategy | 6 | Seeking Alpha | ||
07.02. | ROCKWOOL A/S: Initiation of share buy-back programme | 6 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
07.02. | Rockwool A/S reports Q4 results | 4 | Seeking Alpha | ||
06.02. | ROCKWOOL A/S: Strong performance with good revenue growth and solid profitability | 162 | GlobeNewswire (Europe) | Annual Report for 2024for ROCKWOOL A/SRelease no. 06 - 2025to Nasdaq Copenhagen 6 February 2025 Strong performance with good revenue growth and solid profitability Highlights Revenue in 2024 reached... ► Artikel lesen | |
22.01. | ROCKWOOL A/S - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme | 5 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
15.01. | ROCKWOOL A/S - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme | 6 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
08.01. | ROCKWOOL A/S - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme | 5 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
07.01. | Report on transactions of executives and related parties in ROCKWOOL A/S shares | 2 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
03.01. | ROCKWOOL A/S - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme | 6 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
20.12.24 | ROCKWOOL A/S: Completion of conversion of A shares to B shares in accordance with the articles of association and information on adjusted number of voting rights and share capital | 105 | GlobeNewswire (Europe) | Company announcementfor ROCKWOOL A/SRelease no. 69 - 2024to Nasdaq Copenhagen 20 December 2024 Completion of conversion of A shares to B shares in accordance with the articles of association... ► Artikel lesen | |
18.12.24 | ROCKWOOL A/S - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme | 2 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
12.12.24 | ROCKWOOL to invest in new production line in Mississippi | 2 | Hydrocarbon Engineering | ||
11.12.24 | ROCKWOOL A/S - transactions in connection with share buy-back programme | 3 | GlobeNewswire (USA) | ||
10.12.24 | ROCKWOOL A/S: Financial calendar for 2025 | 3 | GlobeNewswire (USA) |
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Bilfinger SE: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 40 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung
25.02.2025 / 16:06 CET/CEST
Veröffentlichung... ► Artikel lesen | |
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The final quarter of the year confirms the clear signs of improvements we have... ► Artikel lesen | |
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Von Pierre Bertrand
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